GQL Endpoint

We also have a GraphQL endpoint which is authorised using a bearer token and can be used to access crew and job data. Learn more about GraphQL over http here.

You have access to the following:

companyCrewAll(input: CompanyCrewAllInput): CompanyCrewAllResponse
companyCrewOne(crewId: Int!): CompanyCrew!
companyJobs(input: CompanyJobsInput): CompanyJobsResponse  
companyCrewJobs(input: CompanyCrewJobsInput): CompanyCrewJobsResponse
companyLeavers(input: CompanyLeaversInput): CompanyLeaversResponse!

As a GQL endpoint, it is self-documenting if you have an API key.

Prior to access, here is the associated schema for planning purposes:

extend type Query {
  companyJobs(input: CompanyJobsInput): CompanyJobsResponse
  companyCrewJobs(input: CompanyCrewJobsInput): CompanyCrewJobsResponse

input CompanyJobsInput {
  Filters company crew based on different criteria
  filter: CompanyJobsFilter
  Pagination page. Default value is 1
  page: Int = 1
  Number of items per page. Default value is 100 and maximum is 100
  perPage: Int = 100

type CompanyJobsResponse {
  Paginated list of returned jobs.
  paginatedList: [Job!]!

  Pagination pager with total count and current page
  pager: Pager

input CompanyJobsFilter {
  jobIds: [ID!]
  fromRange: Time
  toRange: Time
  crewJobStatus: [CrewJobStatus]

input CompanyCrewJobsInput {
  Filters company crew based on different criteria
  filter: CompanyCrewJobsFilter
  Pagination page. Default value is 1
  page: Int = 1
  Number of items per page. Default value is 100 and maximum is 100
  perPage: Int = 100

type CompanyCrewJobsResponse {
  Paginated list of returned jobs.
  paginatedList: [CrewJobExtended!]!

  Pagination pager with total count and current page
  pager: Pager

input CompanyCrewJobsFilter {
  crewJobIds: [ID!]
  fromRange: Time
  toRange: Time
  crewJobStatus: [CrewJobStatus]

type Board {
  id: ID
  name: String
  color: String

Company Job Data
Get published jobs
type Job {
  id: ID
  address: String
  board: Board
  color: String
  date: Date
  description: String
  locationShortName: String
  multiDayJobId: ID
  title: String
  groupId: ID
  roles: [Role!]
  labels: [Label!]

Job Label
type Label {
  id: ID
  name: String
  type: LabelType

Job Role
type Role {
  ageRestriction: Int
  breakPeriod: Int
  breakPeriodPaid: Boolean
  crewJobs: [CrewJobSlim]
  end: Time
  expenses: Float
  feeType: FeeType
  id: ID
  labels: [Label!]
  linkedId: String
  name: String
  requiredCrewCount: Int
  salary: Float
  start: Time
  subsistence: Float
  total: Float
  visibleOnJobBoard: Boolean

interface CrewJob {
  breakPeriod: Int
  breakPeriodPaid: Boolean
  crewId: ID
  feeType: FeeType
  expenses: Float
  id: ID
  salary: Float
  status: CrewJobStatus
  subsistence: Float
  total: Float

Crew Job
type CrewJobSlim implements CrewJob {
  breakPeriod: Int
  breakPeriodPaid: Boolean
  crewId: ID
  feeType: FeeType
  expenses: Float
  id: ID
  salary: Float
  status: CrewJobStatus
  subsistence: Float
  total: Float

type CrewJobExtended implements CrewJob {
  activity: CrewJobActivity
  jobId: ID
  roleId: ID
  board: Board
  breakPeriod: Int
  breakPeriodPaid: Boolean
  crewId: ID
  end: Time
  expenses: Float
  feeType: FeeType
  id: ID
  salary: Float
  status: CrewJobStatus
  start: Time
  subsistence: Float
  total: Float

type CrewJobActivity {
  application: String
  checkedInAt: Time 
  checkedOutAt: Time 
  checkInSentAt: Time
  confirmAttendanceSentAt: Time
  hasConfirmedAttendance: Boolean
  confirmedAttendanceAt: Boolean
  markedAsAbsentByAdminAt: Time
  isCheckedIn: Boolean
  isReserved: Boolean
  isShortlisted: Boolean
  isSupervisor: Boolean
  wasBooked: Boolean
  approvedByAdminAt: Time
  sequence: Int

enum FeeType {

enum LabelType {

enum CrewJobStatus {

extend type Query {
    companyLeavers(input: CompanyLeaversInput): CompanyLeaversResponse!

input CompanyLeaversInput {
    Filters company crew based on different criteria
    filter: CompanyLeaversFilter
    Pagination page. Dafault value is 1
    page: Int = 1
    Number of items per page. Dafault value is 100 and maximum is 1000
    perPage: Int = 100

input CompanyLeaversFilter {
    statusIn: [LeaverStatus!]
    employmentTypeIn: [EmploymentType!]
    updatedAfter: Time

type CompanyLeaversResponse {
    Paginated list of returned crew.
    paginatedList: [CompanyLeaversInList!]!

    Pagination pager with total count and current page
    pager: Pager

Company Crew Leaver Data
Crew leaver information that can be used to match company records when a user is suspended or deletes their account
type CompanyLeaversInList implements CompanyCrewLeaverData {
    crewId: ID!
    employmentType: EmploymentType!
    workforceId: String!
    status: LeaverStatus!
    updatedAt: Time!
    registeredAt: Time

interface CompanyCrewLeaverData {
    crewId: ID!
    workforceId: String!
    status: LeaverStatus!
    updatedAt: Time!
    registeredAt: Time
    employmentType: EmploymentType

Leaver Status is a specific company
enum LeaverStatus {
  extend type Query {
    companyCrewAll(input: CompanyCrewAllInput): CompanyCrewAllResponse
    companyCrewOne(crewId: Int!): CompanyCrew!

extend type Mutation {
    updateCompanyCrew(input: UpdateCompanyCrewInput!): UpdateCompanyCrewResponse!

type UpdateCompanyCrewResponse {
    success: Boolean!
    Errors object has next structure:
    [property: [String!]!]
    errors: Map

input UpdateCompanyCrewInput {
    crewId: Int!
    update: CompanyCrewUpdate!

input CompanyCrewUpdate {
    uniqueId: String

input CompanyCrewAllInput {
    Filters company crew based on different criteria
    filter: CompanyCrewAllFilter
    Pagination page. Default value is 1
    page: Int = 1
    Number of items per page. Default value is 100 and maximum is 1000
    perPage: Int = 100

type CompanyCrewAllResponse {
    Paginated list of returned crew.
    paginatedList: [CompanyCrewInList!]!

    Pagination pager with total count and current page
    pager: Pager

input CompanyCrewAllFilter {
    statusIn: [UserStatus!]
    employmentTypeIn: [EmploymentType!]
    Filters crew by full_name (first_name + last_name) or email or unique_id or phone
    search: String
    updatedAfter: Time

Company Crew Data
Is a combination of Company Specific and Shared Crew Data
type CompanyCrewInList implements CompanyCrewData {
    'crewId' is an alias to 'userId'
    crewId: ID!
    title: String!
    firstName: String!
    lastName: String!
    email: String!
    birthDay: Date
    phone: String!
    avatar: String!
    gender: Gender!
    status: UserStatus!
    biography: String!
    experience: String!
    workCapacity: String!
    employmentType: EmploymentType!
    cv: String!
    travelAbility: String!
    disability: String!
    linkedIdURL: String!
    twitterURL: String!
    facebookURL: String!
    instagramURL: String!
    emergencyContact1Phone: String!
    emergencyContact1Name: String!
    emergencyContact1Relationship: String!
    emergencyContact2Phone: String!
    emergencyContact2Name: String!
    emergencyContact2Relationship: String!
    uniqueId: String!
    bankNumber: String!
    sortCode: String!
    taxCode: String!
    city: String!
    address: String!
    address2: String!
    postCode: String!
    longitude: Float
    latitude: Float
    updatedAt: Time!
    registeredAt: Time
    countrySpecificData: CountrySpecificData!
    firstJobStartDate: Date
    tags: [Tag!]!

Company Crew Data
Additionally to company crew data, have a lot of relational data.
type CompanyCrew implements CompanyCrewData {
    'crewId' is an alias to 'userId'
    crewId: ID!
    title: String!
    firstName: String!
    lastName: String!
    email: String!
    birthDay: Date
    phone: String!
    avatar: String!
    gender: Gender!
    status: UserStatus!
    biography: String!
    experience: String!
    workCapacity: String!
    employmentType: EmploymentType!
    cv: String!
    travelAbility: String!
    disability: String!
    linkedIdURL: String!
    twitterURL: String!
    facebookURL: String!
    instagramURL: String!
    emergencyContact1Phone: String!
    emergencyContact1Name: String!
    emergencyContact1Relationship: String!
    emergencyContact2Phone: String!
    emergencyContact2Name: String!
    emergencyContact2Relationship: String!
    uniqueId: String!
    bankNumber: String!
    sortCode: String!
    taxCode: String!
    city: String!
    address: String!
    address2: String!
    postCode: String!
    longitude: Float
    latitude: Float
    updatedAt: Time!
    registeredAt: Time
    countrySpecificData: CountrySpecificData!
    alerts: [UserAlert]
    firstJobStartDate: Date

interface CompanyCrewData {
    crewId: ID!
    title: String!
    firstName: String!
    lastName: String!
    email: String!
    birthDay: Date
    phone: String!
    avatar: String!
    gender: Gender!
    status: UserStatus!
    biography: String!
    experience: String!
    workCapacity: String!
    employmentType: EmploymentType!
    cv: String!
    travelAbility: String!
    disability: String!
    linkedIdURL: String!
    twitterURL: String!
    facebookURL: String!
    instagramURL: String!
    emergencyContact1Phone: String!
    emergencyContact1Name: String!
    emergencyContact1Relationship: String!
    emergencyContact2Phone: String!
    emergencyContact2Name: String!
    emergencyContact2Relationship: String!
    uniqueId: String!
    bankNumber: String!
    sortCode: String!
    taxCode: String!
    city: String!
    address: String!
    address2: String!
    postCode: String!
    longitude: Float
    latitude: Float
    updatedAt: Time!
    registeredAt: Time
    countrySpecificData: CountrySpecificData!
    firstJobStartDate: Date

User Status is a specific company
enum UserStatus {

Crew emplyment type in a company.
There also another type which can be added in the future: 'limited_company' (not supported for the moment)
enum EmploymentType {

enum Gender {

type UserAlert {
    id: Int!
    text: String!
    createdBy: CreatedBy
    updatedAt: Time!
    createdAt: Time!

type CreatedBy {
    userId: Int!
    firstName: String!
    lastName: String!
    avatar: String!

type CountrySpecificData {
    countryId: Int!
    code: String!
    name: String!
    values: [CrewCountryValue!]!

type CrewCountryValue {
    id: Int!
    name: String!
    value: String!

type Tag {
    id: Int!
    name: String!
curl '' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Origin: file://' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IkxvZjZpRm9EbWlGWHctSzA5Nkd4MyJ9.eyJodHRwczovL3N0YWdpbmcubGl2ZWZvcmNlLmNvL3Byb3h5L2NvbXBhbnktaWQiOiIxNzkiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2xpdmVmb3JjZS5ldS5hdXRoMC5jb20vIiwic3ViIjoieXNWcVRZV2t6RFlYb1MxOFFWV2xJemRIS0dqVVJzREFAY2xpZW50cyIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3RhZ2luZy5saXZlZm9yY2UuY28vcHJveHkvIiwiaWF0IjoxNjM1NzA1MzMyLCJleHAiOjE2MzU3OTE3MzIsImF6cCI6InlzVnFUWVdrekRZWG9TMThRVldsSXpkSEtHalVSc0RBIiwic2NvcGUiOiJyZWFkOnBheW1lbnRfcmVwb3J0cyByZWFkOmNvbXBhbnlfY3Jld19kYXRhIHdyaXRlOmNvbXBhbnlfY3Jld19kYXRhIiwiZ3R5IjoiY2xpZW50LWNyZWRlbnRpYWxzIn0.X7gQWmonqxa6Y_BWhfr75M-bHfiGI89SYAsFmazZC2ta1mh8Pd6Ji-HLtVpM1nyM29eza81KezjXpLB18Ur5yEAxg1XTxGdvpOnRPqiB8wDGykpMW3r0j70_MqNqGDsfwj_0Bt8iBnjn9IkeFQFtbrIqigki2R1jljYnZX2fguFl1sa-Ff6Q0xR5D2fc8tIwC5_WtrQ1ZTbkaDksjwAGUr_riOFY8QtTU4zYc_AWlwv6zZgXoVmh9QZhnf5qWh3GLdamXm-BwvgQRiohXMqymTva6H6vY3_fVmu_gVnIwIwRmMqzW4_H_IvCj-S48Be2fDQ-6S3XhA-ZpAbbfOs6Sg' --data-binary '{"query":"# Write your query or mutation here\nquery CompanyCrewAllByPage {\n  companyCrewAll(input: { page: 1, perPage: 100 }) {\n    paginatedList {\n      title\n      firstName\n      lastName\n      email\n      phone\n    }\n    pager {\n      pageCount\n      perPage\n  currentPage\n    }\n  }\n}\n"}' --compressed